Thursday, June 13, 2013

Simple Character Creation

A great part about my game system is the ease in which a character is created. There is a guide to walk you through the creation process, but as you can see it is pretty simple. Example: An average human has a 2 in each of the seven Abilities. A new player chooses two Abilities to have 4s and three Abilities to have 3s. The player is making an armored fighter, so their character now looks like this. Fighter MIGHT: 4 BLOCK: 4 BLAST: 1 MOVE: 3 MIND: 2  SOUL: 3 LIFE: 4 The player also chooses to lower the BLAST Ability to raise his LIFE Ability.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beware The Hydra, The Everything Game System

A little preview of a monster in The Everything Game System. You might run into this guy if you play one of my starter campaigns. He is pretty nasty, but an avoidable encounter if you go your own way. Hydra MIGHT: 4 BLOCK: 3 BLAST: 1 MOVE: 2 MIND: 1 SOUL: 1 LIFE: 4 Skills: Flurry, Reach/Stretch, Hunter, Regeneration, Poisoned Strike Flurry allows for multiple attacks Reach/Stretch increases the close combat range Hunter is a common skill for animals, like senses Regeneration heals back life each turn Poisoned Strike will cause damage next turn if the attack was a success